I help individuals who are feeling stuck, burnt out, and caught up in endless cycles of stress and self-criticism get unstuck.

I use tools like neuroplasticity, self-compassion, nervous system regulation, and mindfulness (amongst other tools) to improve self-worth, move through imposter syndrome, further resilience, and create positive change.

When we criticize ourselves, we're tapping into the body's threat-defense system (sometimes referred to as our reptilian brain). Among the ways we can react to perceived danger, the threat-defense system is the quickest and most easily triggered. This means that self-criticism is often our first reaction when things go wrong. The threat-defense system evolved so that when we perceive a threat, our amygdala (which registers danger in the brain) gets activated, we release cortisol and adrenaline, and we get ready to fight, flee, or freeze. The system works well for protecting against threats to our physical bodies, but nowadays, most of the threats we face are challenges to our self-image or self-concept.

Our brain and body don’t complete these stress cycles and say in survival mode (sympathetic nervous system activation, aka fight/flight/freeze). Incomplete stress cycles lead to chronic stress, burnout, and health issues. What we need is to return to a time where we feel safe, where our parasympathetic nervous system is engaged, and we return to a rest & digest state. 

Using self-compassion and other science-backed tools, we can transform our stress responses into nurturing ones. By activating the caregiving system in our bodies, self-compassion provides us with a sense of safety and resourcefulness.

I also work with people in relationships — whether it's couples, friendships, or coworkers, to navigate conflict in a way that allows both to feel heard and understood. We work to identify the needs beneath the words so that we can lead through connection.

It’s kind of like mediation but in a nonviolent communication realm. I’m also creating a journal that’s about a third of the way complete.

If you’re interested in working with me, book a free consultation (to the left) to learn more about the framework of my coaching, and we’ll connect on ways we can custom-fit the process for you.

If you don’t see a date/time that works for you in my calendar, feel free to send me an email and we’ll find a time that works with your schedule: kristine@claggie.com