Environmentally Friendly Christmas Tree

Getting into the holiday spirit and doing a bit of research: What are the most sustainable options for Christmas trees? I’ll share what I found.

First off, if you’re looking to purchase a tree this year, buying a real tree is much better for the environment than a plastic one (unless you already have a plastic tree at home you can use).

Benefits of purchasing a real tree > a plastic one:

One acre of fir trees can consume 12,000lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Buying from a local farm helps support the economy (and small business owners, yay)!

Christmas trees are grown like a crop, not usually in a forest setting. For every tree cut down, 1-5 are planted in its place. This is great for capturing CO2!

Real Christmas trees can be composted.

If you already have a plastic tree, you’re better off using that than switching over to a real tree. If you can’t buy a real tree for any reason (ex. allergies), try to find a plastic one secondhand. Take care of it and use it for as long as you can.

According to the Carbon Trust, you need to reuse an artificial tree for at least 10 years to keep its environmental impact lower than that of one real tree being grown and transported.

Another great option is to buy a potted Christmas tree. This way, you can use it for years to come… or plant it in your yard! In California, there’s a company called Living Christmas Tree that will allow you to rent a living tree for the season!

Finally, you avoid purchasing a Christmas tree all together. There are a lot of ways to get creative, while still making your home feel festive for the holidays.

Use a rosemary bush as a miniature Christmas tree this year. It’ll give you the endless gift of fresh rosemary and will smell great.

Craft up something with items around the house. Use spare wood, paper, cardboard, etc… and create something to showcase in your house.

Use a plant you already have on hand. A Christmas cactus is never a bad idea.

Do you have other sustainable plans for the holidays? I’d love to hear from you. Happy Holidays!

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